Customer of the MonthOctober

Adam Phillips and Emily Garcia

Congratulating our October Members of the Month, Adam Phillips and Emily Garcia

Warriors, join us in congratulating our October Members of the Month, Adam Phillips and Emily Garcia! We asked them to share a little bit about their time here at Mighty Warrior and we hope you enjoy their answers as much as we did!

What’s been your proudest moment at Mighty Warrior?


Adam – Two moments stand out. Laura made time and let me do 17.1 scaled before a flight to Florida. She was jacked the whole time and I finished my first open workout. I Never expected that when I started. Now I can cross up Nolan with a 35# dumbbell. Secondly is when Podium Rick and I did Rookie rumble. We had a 1a and 1b, the 1b was finishing “Karen” under a 6 min time cap. We had the crowd cheering for us and finished in 5:58. Having a crowd cheering was really cool.

Emily – I think my proudest moment was when I was finally able to get a toes-to-bar. When I first started Crossfit, I was super impressed by those who were able to do it. I thought this was something I wouldn’t be able to achieve, so I was shocked when I was finally able to do it!

What’s your favorite workout?

Adam – Olympic lifts to infinity or an emom :)

Emily – I don’t have a favorite workout per se, but I do enjoy the WODs that involve some sort of aerobic weightlifting. I think because these (usually) aren’t too technical, I am able to get a better sense of achievement at the end of the workout.

What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?

Adam – Don’t do it, stay home and cry! JK stay consistent and good things will happen.

Emily – I would say just try it! I think it can be super intimidating and people are worried that everyone is going to be better than them. Everything is able to be modified to your level!


What’s a fun fact about you that most Warriors might not know?

Adam – My wife and I are expecting our first baby, Esmeralda. I also dated Annie Thorisdottir before I met Amanda for 7 days.

Emily – I REALLY hate cotton balls! They make a weird noise (think nails on a chalkboard) and the feel of them when you rub them between your fingers gives me the creeps.

What’s the next goal you’re looking to achieve?

Adam – Besides being a great father, I want to be more consistent in bringing it everyday. That might involve rest, not sure. I have a long way to go with a lot of movements.

Emily – My arms have always been my “weaker half,” so I am hoping to start being able to improve my upper body strength. I want to start stringing together pullups.