Covid 19 Safety

What Mighty Warrior is doing to keep you safe.

This serves as Mighty Warrior CrossFit’s operating procedure during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This document was assembled using best practices from the CDC, State of Michigan, and CrossFit community at-large. When followed strictly, we feel that these practices and procedures will provide the safest possible space to put on group exercise classes. We will be reviewing this document weekly to ensure that we are following the most current best practices.


What will the new schedule look like?


  • Monday – Friday
    • 5am-6am
    • 6:10am-7:10am
    • 7:45am-8:45am
    • 9am-10am
    • Noon-1pm
    • 4pm-5pm
    • 5:15pm-6:15pm
    • 6:30pm-7:30pm
  • Saturday
    • 7am-8am
    • 8am-9am
    • 9am-10am
    • 10:30am-11:30am
  • Sunday
    • 10am-Noon (Open Gym) 


  • We also provide an open gym side for those who don’t yet feel comfortable in the group class setting. This side is open from 5:00am – 7:30pm. Please respect social distancing during open gym time.
  • This schedule allows for a 15-minute window between classes to have the previous class clear out of the building, have the new class come in, and for staff to disinfect equipment not already wiped down.
  • Please try to wait on entering the building until you see the previous class leave.


What will membership pricing be?


  • We feel very fortunate that we we’re able to provide May of 2020 for free to our community. On June 1st we will be resuming our regular membership rates.



Safety Precautions


  • Cleaning


    • We have created 2 new sanitizing stations in the gym where members can use disinfectant to clean equipment after use.
    • We will have disinfectants available in each workout space as well as soap and water to clean surfaces.
    • All equipment will be wiped down after use.
    • The floor will be cleaned with our industrial scrubber at the end of each week. We ask that if you get an excessive amount of sweat on your square you spray it down with the disinfectant provided (see posted product data sheet).
    • Bathrooms will be cleaned/checked daily.



  • Social Distancing/Class Size Control


    • For the immediate future we will be utilizing Wodifys “sign in” feature to keep our class sizes to 15 members maximum. Please only sign in to the class if you’re certain you’ll be able to attend. If possible, please use your phone to sign in prior as we will be minimizing/eliminating use of the computer.
    • We have taped (10) 8 foot by 8-foot boxes in the main floor space and (5) 7 foot by 8-foot boxes behind the rig to create a socially distanced space for you to do your workout in. You’ll be given your box by the coach running the class.
    • A coach will already have most of the equipment you’ll need waiting for you inside your box when you arrive to class. The coach will work with you to get any additional equipment you’ll need.
    • Children or guests are more than welcome to utilize our lobby area while you workout. We do ask that they stay out of the workout area though.



  • General Safety


    • Please give your equipment a thorough wipe down after each use.
    • The water bottle filling station will remain in use because it is a touchless operation. 


What to do should we have a case of Coronavirus reported by a Mighty Warrior member.

We understand that now and for the foreseeable future, there is a possibility that one of our community members will test positive for Coronavirus. The last thing that we want this news to do is to incite a panic or create an environment where we funnel negative emotions towards any one individual. The following is going to serve as an informational outline on how we (Mighty Warrior) WILL respond and how we feel you SHOULD respond to the news of a member testing positive.

  1. Our first line of defense is our operating procedures posted at the doors of Mighty Warrior CrossFit and listed above. These procedures account for cleaning of equipment, disinfecting our facility, social distancing measures, etc… please refer to that document to see how we are actively protecting our members from contracting Coronavirus.
  2. No later than 24 hours after receiving word from a member that they’ve testing positive for Coronavirus; Mighty Warrior WILL contact any individual who has been in class with the member over the past 7 days by email. When contacting members, we will not be disclosing the name of the member who tested positive. This is for regulatory reasons and naming the individual may discourage members from informing us of positive tests.
  3. We encourage members who have been in contact with the individual to remain calm and call their primary care physician to seek guidance on what signs and symptoms to look out for.
  4. We also encourage members to utilize the Quest Diagnostics Covid-19 drive up testing center located in the parking lot of the Southgate Sam’s Club. Information on how to register and use the drive-up site can be found at this link.
  5. If you are not showing any signs or symptoms, please feel free to come back and join us in the class setting. If you aren’t yet comfortable joining us, we still offer our home programming tracks in CrossFit, MWCF Online, and Weightlifting. Please take advantage of these until you’re ready to rejoin the class environment.


One final note on the Pandemic. While the worst-case scenario for a case of Coronavirus is death we also want to acknowledge that the flip side of that coin is also true; that the virus can pass through an individual without the person showing any signs or symptoms. We don’t say this to minimize the pain that comes along with losing someone to the virus or the physical toll that’s endured while the virus runs its course. We say it to offer a balanced perspective in a world that feels as though information is shared only to induce fear, panic, or create division. We have tried our very best to be open and honest about what we’ve been doing to protect both you and your health from day one and we have no intentions of stopping that any time soon.